American nurses: what’s the easiest site/resource for ... - Reddit

I use Netce or Netce has your biyearly credits for about $30. I got a yearly subscription to for $40 and can take most of their CEs on their website for free. …


American Nurses: What’s The Easiest Site/resource For ... - Reddit

2 weeks from now

I use Netce or Netce has your biyearly credits for about $30. I got a yearly subscription to for $40 and can take most of their CEs on their website for free. …


Easiest RN Job? : R/nursing - Reddit

2 weeks from now

You’ll get about 4 patients in a day…I have it very nice and bougie, it’s a great paying job too. $60/hr in Texas. I work 8-8:30pm 3 days a week! I get bored for sure at times when you wait …

FAQs about American nurses: what’s the easiest site/resource for ... - Reddit Coupon?

Is Reddit a good place to learn nursing?

With over 2,000+ clear, concise, and visual lessons, there is something for you! Christened as the front page of the internet, Reddit is an ideal place to meet people who share your passion for nursing. Combining aspects of social media and community forums, this platform is in every way unique and worth your attention. ...

Why should nursing school students use Reddit?

In a nutshell, Reddit opens up opportunities for nursing school students to join and benefit from career-related communities despite their geographical location. Struggling students can also find the platform beneficial as the chances of meeting people who identify with their challenges are pretty high. ...

What is a happy nursing subreddit?

For instance, our subreddit is r/happynursing. As Reddit is about creating forums of individuals with shared interests, the information shared under the subreddit is usually topical and relevant to the objective of the community. Users can find relevant subreddit by using a keyword, which pulls all the relevant subreddits or posts. ...

Is R/prenursing a good subreddit for nursing students?

r/prenursing is a friendly subreddit for nursing student hopefuls. Started back in 2016, the platform has garnered a membership of over three thousand users, making it an ideal community for soon-to-join college and fresh students to interact and share their experiences. ...

Where is the best place to learn nursing? is the BEST place to learn nursing. With over 2,000+ clear, concise, and visual lessons, there is something for you! Christened as the front page of the internet, Reddit is an ideal place to meet people who share your passion for nursing. ...

Which subreddit should a nurse practitioner follow?

r/nursepractitioner is another resourceful subreddit you should start following. Launched back in 2012, the platform now boasts a membership of over 15,000 users. The group is mainly designed for nurse practitioners and APRNs, but you will find it resourceful as a student. ...

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